The Magick of the Universe Basic Skills Affirmation Cards Deck

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The Magick of the Universe Basic Skills Affirmation Cards Deck


Here is a place where the magic of the universe dwells. Explore what the elements of the universe share with us all. Everything that surrounds us has wisdom. When we quiet ourselves the universe shares with us the magic! This shop is to support kids and families find the magical and powerful wisdom through basic skills such as letters, numbers, shapes and colors. The many uses of these cards include; to reinforce basic skills, build self esteem, have meaningful conversations, and find research topics. This set of 74 cards use a variety of fonts to support reading in the community. Positive affirmations foster healthy self-esteem building. This deck supports developing family time. For video ideas on how to use these cards visit Nat at her website. Link in cards. Namaste. -Mz. Nat

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The Magick of the Universe Basic Skills Affirmation Deck can be purchased through Making Playing website. Click this link to purchase. Thank you for your support. xo nat

Magick of the Universe Basic Skills Affirmation Cards